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 27 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Bernard de Montfaucon"Advanced Search
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'Vertumne', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'The origin of Rome', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of February', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of January', 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Juno', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Vestal', 1747. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
Apollo, 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of June', 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of July', 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Saturn', 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of September', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of October', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of November', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of August', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Mercury and the Ox', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Hercules who carries the world', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Bacchus, after a Roman statue', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Faun or Satyr, after a Roman statue', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'The origin of Rome', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'The origin of Rome', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Icarus and Daedalus', 1887. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of December', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Seven days of the week. Twilight, morning, dawn, the evening', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Jupiter', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of March', 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of April', 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
A representation of May, 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon